

Quickly upgrade your teams' skills!

Appointment setting, special days, after-sales service, point-of-sale animation... Offer your sales force tailor-made training entirely dedicated to automotive sales... but not only, agricultural, motorcycle and recreational sales.

coaching M&G marketing

Coaching 100% dedicated to the automotive, agricultural and recreational sectors

M&G Marketing designs, develops and shares specific training programs accessible to all professionals. Our strength: over 15 years' experience in field-based automotive marketing and coaches who are experts in their field.

Optimize your event budget

Qualiopi certification represents a decisive step for M&G Marketing in enhancing its reputation with automotive and agricultural dealerships. We have undertaken this process in order to offer you an even more professional service, based on certified methodologies. This recognition also opens up new opportunities, particularly in terms of support for some of our initiatives.

View our Qualiopi Certificate

"M&G marketing training has given my dealership teams a real boost in sales, and has given them extra motivation".

Our customers

The only thing missing is you!

Marketing Director

Dealership Manager

Sales experts

Let's talk about your goals and how best to achieve them!